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Concorsi di canto lirico

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Milano (Milano) - IT
Associazione Nazionale Lirica Domani


XI International Opera Competition “Magda Olivero”

Dal 28 Novembre 2017 al 02 Dicembre 2017
Casa di Riposo per Musicisti Fondazione Giuseppe Verdi in Piazza Buonarroti, 29 - Milano

 Scadenza iscrizioni: 24 Novembre 2017
     Quota di iscrizione: 100,00 €
     Limite di età: 37

The winners will compete for the following Prizes:
1st place - € 5,000.00
2nd place - € 2,500.00
3rd place - € 1,500.00
Award Magda Olivero - € 1,000.00
Award Liricadomani - € 1,000.00
Scholarship - € 500,00 offered by Dr. Rossana
Rodà, president of the Associazione per lo Scambio
Economico Italo-Euroasiatico
Award Franco Corelli - € 300,00 offered by Carlo
Oggioni (Basso)
Audience Award - to be defined
Scholarship to the name of Makizo Nakagawa
Scholarships - to be defined
Winners of the Awards and the Semifinalists will be
inserted in various opera performances and concerts and
will be invited to participate in major theaters and opera
events. The National Association "Lirica Domani" will
organize an opera performance in Milan on the occasion
of the 11th edition of the competition, to be defined
according to the voices of the winners.

 Tel: 02 2666509 339 5274923
 Email: concorso@liricadomani.com
 Sito web: http://www.liricadomani.com

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